
Auth broadly consists of three distinct components:

  1. Authentication - is someone who they claim to be?
  2. Session management - is someone logged in?
  3. Authorization - is someone allowed to perform an action?

Session Management

Blitz has built in session management that can be use with any type of authentication or identity providers.

Session management performs the following functions:

  1. Tracking whether a user is logged in or not
  2. Attribute multiple requests to the same user, even when they are logged out
  3. Protection against CSRF attacks


To use the built-in Blitz session management, add the

sessionMiddleware to your blitz.config.js file like this:

// blitz.config.js
const {sessionMiddleware, unstable_simpleRolesIsAuthorized} = require("@blitzjs/server")
module.exports = {
middleware: [
unstable_isAuthorized: unstable_simpleRolesIsAuthorized,

Then add the following

Session model to your Prisma schema and connect it to your User model. After updating the schema file, run blitz db migrate

// db/schema.prisma
model User {
id Int @default(autoincrement()) @id
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
role String @default("user")
sessions Session[]
model Session {
id Int @default(autoincrement()) @id
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
expiresAt DateTime?
handle String @unique
user User? @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId Int?
hashedSessionToken String?
antiCSRFToken String?
publicData String?
privateData String?

Session on the Server


sessionMiddleware added above adds the SessionContext class to ctx which is provided by Blitz as the second parameter to all queries and mutations.

// app/queries/someQuery.ts
import {SessionContext} from "blitz"
export default async function someQuery(input: any, ctx: {session?: SessionContext} = {}) {
// Access the SessionContext class

You can also get the session context inside

getServerSideProps or inside API routes with getSessionContext like this:

import {getSessionContext} from "@blitzjs/server"
export const getServerSideProps = async ({req, res}) => {
const session = await getSessionContext(req, res)
console.log("Session id:", session.userId)
return {props: {}}

API Routes

When making a request from the client to an API route, you need to include the anti-CSRF token like this:

import {getAntiCSRFToken} from "blitz"
const antiCSRFToken = getAntiCSRFToken()
if (antiCSRFToken) {
// Set fetch request header["anti-csrf"] = antiCSRFToken

And then you can get the sessionContext in the API route like this:

import {getSessionContext} from "@blitzjs/server"
export default async function ({req, res}) {
const session = await getSessionContext(req, res)
console.log("Session id:", session.userId)

Session on the Client

Blitz provides a

useSession() hook that returns PublicData. This hook can be used anywhere in your application.

import {useSession} from "blitz"
function SomeComponent() {
const session = useSession()
return /*... */

Anonymous Sessions

If a user is not logged in, an anonymous session will automatically be created for them. You can use

ctx.session.setPublicData() and ctx.session.setPrivateData() for anonymous sessions the same as for logged in users. Any data you set for an anonymous session will automatically be transferred to an authentication session when a user logs in.

Anonymous sessions are JWT tokens that are stored on the client as an httpOnly cookie that never expires.

PublicData for anonymous sessions is kept in the session JWT and not stored in the database. Anonymous sessions will only be saved in your database if you call session.setPrivateData().

The anonymous session will be created on the first network request, whether SSR or via an API. This will happen as long as

sessionMiddleware is in your middleware chain for that request.

One use case for this is saving shopping cart items for anonymous users. If an anonymous user later signs up or logs in, the anonymous session data can be merged into their new authenticated session.

Anonymous session

PublicData looks like this:

userId: null,
roles: []

How it Works

Authenticated sessions use opaque tokens that are stored in the database.

Implementation Details

Session Creation

  • At login, the server creates an opaque token. This is a random, 32 character long string as the access token.
  • This token is sent to the frontend via httpOnly, secure cookies. Separately, the 32 character anti-csrf token is be sent to the frontend via response headers.
  • The anti-csrf token is be stored in the localstorage on the frontend.
  • The SHA256 hash of the access token will be stored in the database. This token has the following properties mapped to it:
    • userId
    • expiry time
    • session data
  • Creating a new session while another one exists results in the headers / cookies changing. However, the older session will still be alive.
  • For serious production apps, a cronjob is needed to remove all expired tokens on a regular basis.

Session Verification

  • For each request that requires CSRF protection, the frontend reads the localstorage and sends the anti-csrf token in the request header.
  • An incoming access token is verified by checking that it's in the db and that it has not expired. After each verification, the expiry time of the access token updated.
  • CSRF attacks are prevented by checking that the incoming anti-csrf token (from the header) is what is associated with the session.

Session Revocation/Logout

  • This is done by deleting the session from the database.
  • Logout additionally clears the cookies, and a header is sent signaling the frontend to remove the anti-csrf token from the localstorage



export interface SessionContext {
* null if anonymous
userId: string | number | null
roles: string[]
handle: string | null
publicData: PublicData
authorize: (roleOrRoles?: string | string[]) => void
isAuthorized: (roleOrRoles?: string | string[]) => boolean
create: (publicData: PublicData, privateData?: Record<any, any>) => Promise<void>
revoke: () => Promise<void>
revokeAll: () => Promise<void>
getPrivateData: () => Promise<Record<any, any>>
setPrivateData: (data: Record<any, any>) => Promise<void>
setPublicData: (data: Record<any, any>) => Promise<void>


interface PublicData extends Record<any, any> {
userId: string | number | null
roles: string[]

Session Configuration

You can customize session management by passing an object to the

sessionMiddleware factory function.

// blitz.config.js
const {sessionMiddleware, unstable_simpleRolesIsAuthorized} = require("@blitzjs/server")
module.exports = {
middleware: [
sessionExpiryMinutes: 1234,
unstable_isAuthorized: unstable_simpleRolesIsAuthorized,

Available options:

type SessionConfig = {
sessionExpiryMinutes?: number /* Default: 30 days */
sameSite?: "strict" | "lax" | "none" /* Default: 'lax' */
getSession: (handle: string) => Promise<SessionModel | null>
getSessions: (userId: string | number) => Promise<SessionModel[]>
createSession: (session: SessionModel) => Promise<SessionModel>
updateSession: (handle: string, session: Partial<SessionModel>) => Promise<SessionModel>
deleteSession: (handle: string) => Promise<SessionModel>
unstable_isAuthorized: (userRoles: string[], input: any) => boolean
interface SessionModel extends Record<any, any> {
handle: string
userId?: string | number
expiresAt?: Date
hashedSessionToken?: string
antiCSRFToken?: string
publicData?: string
privateData?: string

Using without Prisma

Currently the session management has zero-config support for Prisma, but you can also use it with any other database by overriding the database access functions defined above in

SessionConfig. The functions can do anything, but they must conform to the defined input and outputs types.


In production, you must provide the

SESSION_SECRET_KEY environment variable with at least 32 characters. This is your private key for signing JWT tokens.



Update the

User model in your schema.prisma file to have the email and hashedPassword fields.

// db/schema.prisma
model User {
id Int @default(autoincrement()) @id
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
name String?
email String @unique
hashedPassword String?
role String @default("user")
sessions Session[]

Install the

zod and secure-password npm dependencies.

Add the following file at


// app/auth.ts
import {AuthenticationError} from "blitz"
import SecurePassword from "secure-password"
import db, {User} from "db"
const SP = new SecurePassword()
export const hashPassword = async (password: string) => {
const hashedBuffer = await SP.hash(Buffer.from(password))
return hashedBuffer.toString("base64")
export const verifyPassword = async (hashedPassword: string, password: string) => {
return await SP.verify(Buffer.from(password), Buffer.from(hashedPassword, "base64"))
export const authenticateUser = async (email: string, password: string) => {
const user = await db.user.findOne({where: {email}})
if (!user || !user.hashedPassword) throw new AuthenticationError()
switch (await verifyPassword(user.hashedPassword, password)) {
case SecurePassword.VALID:
case SecurePassword.VALID_NEEDS_REHASH:
// Upgrade hashed password with a more secure hash
const improvedHash = await hashPassword(password)
await db.user.update({where: {id:}, data: {hashedPassword: improvedHash}})
throw new AuthenticationError()
delete user.hashedPassword
return user as Omit<User, "hashedPassword">

Add the following

signUp mutation at app/users/mutations/signUp.ts or in any other mutations folder.

// app/users/mutations/signUp.ts
import db from "db"
import {SessionContext} from "blitz"
import {hashPassword} from "app/auth"
import * as z from "zod"
export const SignUpInput = z.object({
email: z.string().email(),
password: z.string().min(10).max(100),
export default async function signUp(
input: z.infer<typeof SignUpInput>,
ctx: {session?: SessionContext} = {},
) {
// This throws an error if input is invalid
const {email, password} = SignUpInput.parse(input)
const hashedPassword = await hashPassword(password)
const user = await db.user.create({data: {email, hashedPassword, role: "user"}})
await ctx.session!.create({userId:, roles: [user.role]})
return user

Add the following

login mutation at app/users/mutations/login.ts or in any other mutations folder.

// app/users/mutations/login.ts
import {SessionContext} from "blitz"
import {authenticateUser} from "app/auth"
import * as z from "zod"
export const LoginInput = z.object({
email: z.string(),
password: z.string(),
export default async function login(
input: z.infer<typeof LoginInput>,
ctx: {session?: SessionContext} = {},
) {
// This throws an error if input is invalid
const {email, password} = LoginInput.parse(input)
// This throws an error if credentials are invalid
const user = await authenticateUser(email, password)
await ctx.session!.create({userId:, roles: [user.role]})
return user

Add the following

logout mutation at app/users/mutations/logout.ts or in any other mutations folder.

// app/users/mutations/logout.ts
import {SessionContext} from "blitz"
export default async function logout(_ = null, ctx: {session?: SessionContext} = {}) {
return await ctx.session!.revoke()

Then add forms on your frontend that use the

signUp, login, and logout mutations.


Blitz provides an adapter that lets you use any existing

Passport.js authentication strategy

To use, add a new api route at

app/api/auth/[...auth].ts with the following contents.

// app/api/auth/[...auth].ts
import {passportAuth} from "blitz"
import db from "db"
export default passportAuth({
successRedirectUrl: "/",
errorRedirectUrl: "/",
strategies: [
// Provide initialized passport strategy here

If you need, you can place the api route at a different path but the filename must be

[...auth].js or [...auth].ts.



passportAuth adapter adds two API endpoints for each installed strategy.

With the handler at

app/api/auth/[...auth].ts, it adds the following:

  1. /api/auth/[strategyName] - URL to initiate login
  2. /api/auth/[strategyName]/callback - Callback URL to complete login

For example with

passport-twitter strategy, the URLs for Twitter will be:

  1. /api/auth/twitter - URL to initiate login
  2. /api/auth/twitter/callback - Callback URL to complete login

You can determine the

strategyName in the strategy's documentation by looking for this: passport.authenticate('github'). So in this case, the strategyName is github.

Installing a Strategy

To install a passport strategy add it to the

strategies array argument for passportAuth, and then follow the strategy's documentation for setup.

Here's an example of adding


Note that the

callbackURL uses the callback endpoint as described above (/api/auth/twitter/callback)

import {passportAuth} from "blitz"
import db from "db"
import {Strategy as TwitterStrategy} from "passport-twitter"
export default passportAuth({
successRedirectUrl: "/",
errorRedirectUrl: "/",
strategies: [
new TwitterStrategy(
consumerKey: process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY,
consumerSecret: process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET,
process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"
? ""
: "http://localhost:3000/api/auth/twitter/callback",
includeEmail: true,
async function (_token, _tokenSecret, profile, done) {
const email = profile.emails && profile.emails[0]?.value
if (!email) {
// This can happen if you haven't enabled email access in your twitter app permissions
return done(new Error("Twitter OAuth response doesn't have email."))
const user = await db.user.upsert({
where: {email},
create: {
name: profile.displayName,
update: {email},
const publicData = {userId:, roles: [user.role], source: "twitter"}
done(null, {publicData})

Note: The above

passport-twitter example requires your User prisma model to have email String @unique and name String.

Using a Strategy

Currently only passport strategies that use a

verify callback are supported. In the Twitter example above, the second argument to TwitterStrategy() is the verify callback.

Upon successful authentication with the third-party, the user will be redirected back to the above auth API route. When that happens, the

verify callback will be called.

When the

verify callback is called, the user has been authenticated with the third-party, but a session has not yet been created for your Blitz app.

Create a Session

To create a new Blitz session, you need to call the

done() function from your verify callback.

done(null, result)


result is an object of type VerifyCallbackResult

export type VerifyCallbackResult = {
publicData: PublicData
privateData?: Record<string, any>
redirectUrl?: string

The Blitz adapter will then call

session.create() for you and redirect the user back to the correct place in your application.

Return an Error

If instead, you want to prevent creating a session because of some error, then call

done() with an error as the first argument. The user will then be redirected back to the correct location.

return done(new Error("it broke"))
Showing the Error to the User

Any error during this process will be provided as the

authErrorquery parameter.

For example with

errorRedirectUrl = '/' and done(new Error("it broke")), the user will be redirected to:

/?authError=it broke


There are four different ways to determine the redirect URL where a user should be sent afterwards. They are listed here in order of priority. A URL provided with method #1 will override all other URLs.

  1. Add redirectUrl to the verify callback result
    • Example: done(null, {publicData, redirectUrl: '/'})
  2. Add a redirectUrl query parameter to the "initiate login" url
    • Example:'/dashboard'
  3. Via the config passed to passportAuth
    • If success, it will use config.successRedirectUrl
    • If error, it will use config.errorRedirectUrl
  4. If none of the above are provided, it will redirect to /

Note: If there is an error, methods #1 and #2 will override


This should give you maximum flexibility to do anything you need. If this doesn't meet your needs, please open an issue on Github!


This is still a work-in-progress, but for now Blitz provides

unstable_simpleRolesIsAuthorized as an experimental authorization implementation to get you started.


To use, add it do your

sessionMiddleware configuration:

// blitz.config.js
const {sessionMiddleware, unstable_simpleRolesIsAuthorized} = require("@blitzjs/server")
module.exports = {
middleware: [
unstable_isAuthorized: unstable_simpleRolesIsAuthorized,

This adds the implementation for


Inside any query or mutation, call

ctx.session.authorize(roleOrRoles) to authorize the request.

  • ctx.session.authorize()
    • Only enforce that a user is logged in. It does not check user roles
    • throws AuthenticationError if user not logged in
  • ctx.session.authorize('admin')
    • throws AuthenticationError if user not logged in
    • Allows users with admin role
    • throws AuthorizationError if the user does not have admin role
  • ctx.session.authorize(['admin', 'manager'])
    • throws AuthenticationError if user not logged in
    • Allows users with admin or manager role
    • throws AuthorizationError if the user does not have admin and does not have manager role
import db, {FindOneUserArgs} from "db"
import {SessionContext} from "blitz"
type GetUserInput = {where: FindOneUserArgs["where"]}
export default async function getUser({where}: GetUserInput, ctx: {session?: SessionContext} = {}) {
const user = await db.user.findOne({where})
return user

Error Handling

The recommended way to handle Authentication and Authorization errors is to use a global error boundary component.

  • If AuthenticationError, directly show the user a login form instead of redirecting to a separate route. This prevents the need to manage redirect urls. Once the user logs in, the error boundary will reset and the user can access the original page they wanted to access.
  • If AuthorizationError, display an error stating such.
import React from "react"
import {Error as ErrorComponent} from "blitz"
import {queryCache} from "react-query"
import LoginForm from "app/components/LoginForm"
export default class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component<{
fallback?: (error: any) => React.ReactNode
}> {
state = {
error: null as Error | null,
static getDerivedStateFromError(error: any) {
return {
reset = () => {
this.setState({error: null})
render() {
const {error} = this.state
if (error) {
if ( === "AuthenticationError") {
return <LoginForm onSuccess={this.reset} />
} else if ( === "AuthorizationError") {
return (
statusCode={(error as any).statusCode}
title="Sorry, you are not authorized to access this"
} else if (this.props.fallback) {
return this.props.fallback(error)
} else {
throw error
return this.props.children

And then wrap your entire application with the error boundary like so:

// app/pages/_app.tsx
import {AppProps} from "blitz"
import ErrorBoundary from "app/components/ErrorBoundary"
export default function MyApp({Component, pageProps}: AppProps) {
return (
<Component {...pageProps} />

You can also place this same error boundary at lower places in your application UI tree and pass in a fallback component like

fallback={(error) => <p>Error: {error.message}</p>}. This can be used to only display an error in a certain section of the UI, instead of replacing the entire UI.

Idea for improving this page?Edit it on Github