blitz install

Alias: blitz g

Use this command to install a Blitz Recipe into your project.

Supports both official recipes and custom third-party recipes. Recipe names can be specified in any of the following formats:

  • blitz install official-recipe for an official recipe from the Blitz team
  • blitz install ./recipes/my-local-recipes.ts for a locally-authored recipe
  • blitz install github-user/my-published-recipe for a custom recipe hosted on GitHub

For more information about recipes, see the official docs for

installing recipes and writing your own.

nameYesThe name of the recipe to install, a path to a local recipe, or a GitHub repository name

Example Output

> blitz install tailwind
✅ Installed 2 dependencies
✅ Successfully created postcss.config.js, tailwind.config.js
✅ Successfully created app/styles/button.css, app/styles/index.css
✅ Modified 1 file: app/pages/_app.tsx
🎉 The recipe for Tailwind CSS completed successfully! Its functionality is now fully configured in your Blitz app.
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