URL Params & Query


This hook returns all the parameters for the current route as an object. The default parameter type is

undefined | string | string[], but you can optionally provide a type argument to narrow the parameters and types that are returned.

import {useParams} from "blitz"
const params = useParams()
// ReturnType: Record<string, undefined | string | string[]>
const params = useParams("string")
// ReturnType: Record<string, string>
const params = useParams("number")
// ReturnType: Record<string, number>
const params = useParams("array")
// ReturnType: Record<string, string[]>

Example Usage

// File: app/products/pages/products/[id].tsx
// URL: /products/2
import {useParams} from "blitz"
const params = useParams()
// params = {id: "2"}
// File: app/pages/blog/[category]/[...slug].tsx
// URL: /blog/tech/2020/1
import {useParams} from "blitz"
const params = useParams()
// params = {category: "tech", slug: ["2020", "1"]}
const params = useParams("string")
// params = {category: "tech"}
const params = useParams("array")
// params = {slug: ["2020", "1"]}


This hook return a single parameters for the current route. The default return type is

undefined | string | string[], but you can optionally provide a type argument to cast the return type.

import {useParam} from "blitz"
const param = useParam("id")
// ReturnType: undefined | string | string[]
const param = useParam("id", "string")
// ReturnType: string
const param = useParam("id", "number")
// ReturnType: number
const param = useParam("id", "array")
// ReturnType: string[]

Example Usage

// File: app/locations/pages/locations/[id]/[[...zipcode]].tsx
// URL: /locations/2/02137
import {useParam} from "blitz"
const id = useParam("id", "number")
// id = 2
const zipcodes = useParam("zipcode", "array")
// zipcodes = ["02137"]
// File: app/pages/blog/[slug].tsx
// URL: /blog/hello-world
import {useParam} from "blitz"
const slug = useParam("slug", "string")
// slug = "hello-world"


This hook returns all the query parameters from the URL as an object. Parameter type is always


// URL: /products?sort=asc&limit=10
import {useRouterQuery} from "blitz"
const query = useRouterQuery()
// query = {sort: "asc", limit: "10"}
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